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Xiannvshan Airport to complete its first flight in late December
作者:Jiang Yiwei 来源:Hualong net 时间:2020-12-14 13:43:26责编:Su Xin

According to Chongqing Wulong Transportation Bureau, Chongqing Xiannvshan Airport is speeding up the preparatory work before the opening of the airport to ensure the completion of the first flight in late December.

Thanks to the efforts of the Airport builders day and night, by the end of November, Xiannvshan Airport has fully achieved the completion and acceptance of the project, calibration flight, test flight and other work, and is scheduled to pass the industry acceptance in early December, and obtain the Airport Operating License in mid-December to fully meet the navigational conditions.

“With the approval of Civil Aviation Administration of China requested by Chongqing Jiangbei Airport Group, the Airport will complete its first flight (charter flight) in late December to ensure that the airport is ready for operation as scheduled.” The person in charge of the Airport Service Center of Wulong Transportation Bureau said that the Airport is currently doing its best to prepare for the opening of the airport.

In addition, the Airport will be officially opened in the summer and autumn season (March) of 2021 after the completion of the first flight because of its altitude of 1,800 meters and winter weather dominated by rain and snow and fog, which adversely affects navigation.

At present, Xiannvshan Airport has officially confirmed a total of eight routes: Shanghai-Wulong-Chengdu (Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday per week), Hangzhou-Wulong-Chengdu (Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday per week), Jinan-Wulong-Chengdu (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday per week), Chongqing-Wulong (Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday per week), Beijing (Daxing)-Wulong, Foshan-Wulong, Xi’an-Wulong-Changsha, Kunming-Wulong-Hefei. Other routes will be opened one after another in the future. 

Editor:Jiang Yiwei





