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Beautiful side view of Hongyadong
作者:Jiang Yiwei 来源:Hualong Net 时间:2021-01-29 15:14:40责编:Su xin

Hongyadong Pedestrian Bridge completed

 Hongyadong attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists from home and abroad every day, but the traffic here is often choked by too many tourists. Hongyadong Pedestrian Bridge, which was began construction at the end of October last year, has been completed, making it easier and safer for pedestrians to cross the road.


Hongyadong Pedestrian Bridge and Hongyadong echo each other at a distance

Tourists can observe scenery and vehicles passing by at the same time

The completed Hongyadong Pedestrian Bridge is yellow in color with reddish-brown wood handrails, echoing Hongyadong Scenic Spot. One end of the Pedestrian Bridge connects Hongyadong Scenic Spot and the precipice footpath of Daijia Lane, and the other end connects Jiabin Road sidewalk along the river. The Pedestrian Bridge is only 50m away from Hongyadong Scenic Spot, so it is very convenient to enter and exit the Scenic Spot or enjoy the scenery along the river.

It is understood that the maximum span of the Bridge is 27m, the width of the deck is 4m, and the width of the ladder is 2.6m. It is very convenient and safe for citizens and visitors to enter and exit the Scenic Spot or enjoy the scenery along the river. The road traffic order of Jiabin intersection will also be improved. (Translated by Liu Hongyan, Fathom Language Limited)

Editor:Jiang Yiwei





