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A jacaranda landscape avenue to be constructed in Southwest University
作者:Mao Qiao 来源:Hualong net 时间:2020-06-15 08:51:33责编:林子

A distribution map of jacaranda in Southwest University (Picture provided by the university)

CHONGQING (CQNEWS) -- Jacaranda is in full bloom in these days. In the past, it is also the time for graduates to graduate. So, jacaranda is also known as “Graduation Flower” in some universities.

On June 9, in the Special Session for 2020 International Archives Day of Chongqing Colleges and Universities Archives Collaboration Group, Southwest University Archives officially launched its characteristic archives, “Jacaranda Archives of the Beautiful Southwest University - Landscape Archives Construction”, so as to protect the existing 121 jacaranda trees in Southwest University. It’s said that Southwest University will create a jacaranda landscape avenue.

Jacaranda in Southwest University (Picture provided by the university)

At present, there are 24 attractions with jacaranda in Southwest University. There are 121 jacaranda trees, among which the oldest one is more than 60 years old.

Jacaranda in Southwest University (Picture provided by the university)

The Vice-general Manager of Logistic Group in charge of the draft for jacaranda landscape construction Wang Shu introduced that the university will create a landscape from April to June with the theme of “Blue Summer”. Through the integration of jacaranda, humanistic architecture, pavilions and road signs, a jacaranda landscape belt with elegant and harmonious landscape, harmonious colors, simple and practical facilities and historical architecture protection will be created. The initial idea is to build a 200-meter jacaranda landscape avenue on both sides of the road behind the Southwest University museum and the Grand Auditorium to form a relatively concentrated viewing spot. (Translated by Mao Qiao, Fathom Language Limited)





